Cycling training in Andalusia
El Olivar cycle tours

As every cyclist knows, the foundations for good summer fitness have to be laid through wintertime preparation. However, the harsh Northern Europe climate makes it quite a challenge to cover enough kilometres during the winter months.
By contrast, Southern Spain offers ideal weather conditions for building up fitness during pre- and post-season training.
Indulge your cycling passion on a racing or mountain bike over the winter in the interior of Andalusia, which has both the most hours of sunshine per year and the cleanest air in Europe.
North of Málaga lies an expanse of beautiful hilly country with hundreds of thousands of grey-green olive trees standing in ochre or terracotta-coloured earth. The cycling routes take you along good, safe roads, wind through typical white villages and criss-cross the tranquil landscape of the Sierra de la Subbética natural park.
The starting point for these routes is the white village of Iznájar, where you will stay in a stunning B&B among the olive groves. The cycling environment here is fantastic, and the cycle tours form an ideal training course for the average cyclist.

As well as endurance cycling, strength and climbing training are also available on the numerous 5 to 6% slopes, with altitudes of between 500 and 1500 metres. The occasional short killer climb is as steep as 15%, providing a little extra excitement. Route lengths are decided in consultation, and range from 65 km to 120 km per day – to which a further 30-40 km can easily be added.
Casa Rural El Olivar will take care of every last detail of your stay.
Non-cycling partners can enjoy the cultural delights of the surrounding area.
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